MIDI Samples | back
Congratulations on the best drum pattern files around,
even 20 years on! Yes of course you can quote me. I am delighted
to endorse such a good product.
- John Elliott, UK
- Some could call it finger drumming -
Others will call it 'the wrong way' - Many call us the
pioneers of MIDI Samples
- You'll just call it HEAVENLY!
Meet the
| What Are MIDI Samples?
Tempo mapping is a thing of the past as
files imported into current work simply fit
into the tempo of the work it is loaded
into. Tracks can then be chopped, copied,
cut and pasted to the user's requirements
and built up around a piece of music to
produce a final that sounds more polished
and professional.
We then went steps further on the theme to
introduce individual instruments like bass,
guitars, keyboards, solo instruments and
more - to produce a library of music clips
that can instantly transform your good work
into something very 'noticeably better'
HM released the first products (Dr. Beat
vol.s 1-4) back in 1992 - then known simply
as MIDI Building Blocks. These and all
subsequent products have always been played
by real musicians and - regardless of the
type of controller used - the results
continue to equal or surpass anything else
made otherwise.
HM's Jose' Ortiz says - "When we started
this business, the aim wasn't to impress
people with big names or exotic places used
to record them in - or what fancy MIDI
controllers we used to produce them - we are
in the 'inspiration business' spreading the
Heavenly word that if these files are good
enough for us to use in the production of
our own music for Atlantic Records USA and
Virgin Music Publishing USA (and we're
extremely fussy about FEEL) - then they
would be good enough for anyone who took
their music seriously too.
The patterns and riffs were extracted from
decades worth of our own personal archives
using all sorts of software and hardware for
our own recordings released through major
music publishers and record labels. Our
mission was simple - to pass on all of these
years of experience that would eventually
help musicians world-wide and at any level
of experience to produce better sounding
DJ Magazine* - "Don't understand why no-one
did it sooner"
Zen Sheopes - Studio Sound - "ludicrously
under priced" Ian Waugh - Music
Technology - "heavenly score 11 out of 10" -
Simon Bates - Future Music - "unreservedly
* From review of Beat It MIDI Samples on the
PC Publishing best seller. |